The most famous landscape photographer in history whose black-and-white photographs of the American West, have been widely reproduced. He helped create the Zone System, a technique that figured out the optimal film exposure and development.He was was one of the founders of the magazine Aperture, which was intended as a serious journal of photography showcasing its best practitioners and newest innovations.Like him, Amy Smart is a celebrated California-born environmentalist .
BEFORE FAMEHe was a witness to the destruction that wrought San Francisco after its huge 1906 earthquake.
PERSONAL LIFEHe got married to his wife and had two children: Michael born August 1933 and Anne born in 1935.
Famous QuotesTwelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.
Photographer Ansel Adams were born on Thursday, birthstone is Amethyst, the seaon was Winter in the Chinese year of Tiger, it is 47 days until Ansel Adams next birthday.