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The first pilot to successfully complete a flight from the United States mainland to Hawaii.He piloted an Atlantic-Fokker C-2 plane nicknamed "The Bird of Paradise" on its inaugural voyage from California to Hawaii.Before his famous flight, he worked as an aid to the visionary Air Force General Billy Mitchell.
BEFORE FAMEHe joined the Air Service division of the U.S. Army at age nineteen. After World War I, he created publicity for the Army Air Corps by participating in air races and pioneering flights.
PERSONAL LIFEHe was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The meaning of the name Maitland: From The Unproductive Lands FUN FACTSPilot Lester J. Maitland were born on Wednesday, birthstone is Amethyst, the seaon was Winter in the Chinese year of , it is 38 days until Lester J. Maitland next birthday.
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