November 22 Horoscope
  1. About

    People born specifically on the 22nd of November are imagined to be highly innovative with a persuasive manner and the typical Sagittarian honest and straightforward deportment. November 22 people exhibit a refreshing lack of anxiety over what others think of them. They generally feel free to make their own rules in regard to lifestyle, fashion and taste, and more importantly, follow the direction of their own moral compass where important matters are concerned. November 22 people not only take an interest in their own freedom but also that of others. In family and social life, however, their challenge to authority or unfair restrictions can at times create friction.

  2. Personal relationships

    For a Sagittarius, the person born on November the twenty second of November is typically someone who is genuinely romantic, reliable and magnanimous. However they will usually need to retain some degree of independence and they will be hesitant to give their whole heart in a long term relationship commitment. They are intensely emotional for a zodiacal Archer and will need to trust a soul mate completely before  theypledge their full devotion. 

  3. Career and finances

    These people are not generally suited to careers in a highly structured or disciplined environment. They need to feel free to express their creativity and may be drawn to the world of media, show business, music, publishing, advertising, the leisure and beauty industries, and politics. Alternatively they may be drawn to teaching or the arts, or they may find themselves in the role of counselor in the caring or healing professions.

  4. Lucky numbers

    4, 6

  5. Lucky colors



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