May 5 Horoscope
  1. About

    Born on May 5th, your star sign is Taurus and your ruling star is Mercury. You are believed to be a real big mouth who is always talkative and find it hard to keep secret. This is because you want to share your feelings with others, even the innermost feelings. You believe that if you do so, you will lead a simple, happy life. One more thing about you is that you are bestowed with determination, self reliance and friendly, outgoing nature. Being curious, you always desire discover new thing which broaden your horizons. 

  2. Personal relationships

    When it comes to love, you tend to seek for a partner who is both physically and mentally attractive. You set high standard and high expectation on your lover. Sometimes, you mate felt overwhelmed and you must be the one who adjust yourself to keep this romance. You are very hesitant to settle down due to your awareness of many responsible related. Being a mate, you proved to be open minded and romantic. 

  3. Career and finances

    The most suitable working arrangement for this Taurus is jobs related to artist field.  With a cautious and detailed plan for career, they will soon succeed in finance. However, it isn’t their main goal or concern. To them, money only plays a role as a mean of living and supports their family. 

  4. Lucky numbers

    Green :It symbolizes life, nature

    Violet :  This color symbolizes future, dream and humanitarian. It also inspires unconditional love.

    Red is the color of energy, ambition and determination. It is also the color of anger and sexual passion.

  5. Lucky colors

    Number 6 : Sixes represent harmony, forgiveness, love and truth.

    Number 8 :  It stands for success, wealth and determination

    Number 9 : It represents accomplishment, success and inventiveness


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